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Votre courriel:
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Nom de la société:

Sparrow Electronics Inc.
3328 Ave Troie Suite 220 Montreal, QC H3V 1B1
Phone: 514-733-1399 Website: Hobid

About Sparrow Electronics Inc. Sparrow Electronics Inc. was founded in 2005. Sparrow Electronics Inc. employs some of the most talented and educated procurement specialists in sourcing of electronic components. Our goal is the expedient resolution of your sourcing problems and delivery of high-quality products at reasonable prices in compliance with export and all other regulations. When we receive requests for quotations from our customers, we exert maximum effort to find required components from reliable sources with confirmed actual availability. Upon our clients’ requests we provide traceable certificates of conformity issued by manufacturers or official distributors. Sparrow Electronics Inc. enjoys good working relationships with many manufacturers and authorized distributors that allow us to offer most types of components and brands at competitive prices and with reasonable lead times. We source passive, electro-mechanical components, connectors, cables, wires, semiconductors, integrated circuits and other components and parts. Our company is a member of numerous sites specialized on trading of electronic components in industrial quantities. We constantly expand our network of suppliers and have customers all over the world as we are not bound by the distributor’s agreements with most of the distributors to sell only certain types in certain countries. We fill the gap in supply chains when traditional channels cannot fulfill specific requirements. Our services Despite the convenience and free access to some of the online trading sites specialized in selling electronic components and other sources available on the Internet, such direct sourcing by OEMs through inexperienced or unscrupulous brokers may result in various problems as it exposes purchasers to non-deliveries of prepaid goods, short shipments and receipts of fake or nonfunctional components. In order to avoid these frustrating results and missing deadlines, leave it to us and you will not be disappointed. We assure you that we process received offers through a rigorous internally developed validating system based on our proprietary and world-wide professionally maintained sales data, that is not freely available on the Internet and we take into consideration the most reliable offers only. We build our relationships with partners based on the mutual understanding and respect, and strive to maintain it for the long-term. By offering you these sourcing services not only we supply you with components but also we are assuming risks associated with purchases of electronic components from unknown sources. We also consolidate components, including the shipments from the world-wide distributors, by accumulating components in our warehouse in order to ship them in one shipment, which results in reduced transportation and customs clearing costs for our customers. Sparrow Electronics Inc. has accounts with all the world-wide carriers and enjoys significant discounts with some of them. Also, we have entered into agreements with several freight-forwarding companies to ship bulky and heavy loads. We consider the shipment preparation a very important part of our service and we always do it in the most efficient for our customers way. To ensure smooth movement of goods through customs, we ask our customers to provide us with the end-user information. In order to stay competitive and ensure competitiveness of our clients we work with a minimal mark-up.